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Master Thesis Solvay Business School: Patented asthma treatment


The Free University of Brussels ("ULB") is developing of a innovative formulation based on budesonide, coated with an excipient allowing a prolonged release of the API in the lungs.

The project already showed promising preliminary preclinical data (PK and tox) in animal models and a company might be interested to further bring this treatment to the clinic and to the market.

Another approach proposed by the technology would be to combine this controlled-release formulation of budesonide with predetermined dosages of bronchodilators (LABA/LAMA) in a combination therapy.

The main advantages of this patented technology are therefore :

Regarding the sustained-release budesonide:
   o Improved patient adherence to treatment due to a reduction in the number of daily doses (via the prolonged release formulation)
   o Possibility of administering higher doses with a controlled toxicity profile thanks to this extended release

Concerning triple therapy: 

    o Possibility to offer in a single inhaler a standardized triple therapy of corticosteroid (budesonide) and bronchodilator (LABA/LAMA) in a single daily dose.

By participating to this survey (max 5-10 minutes), you may contribute to the proof-of-concept of this new treatment, for the benefit of patient !