Questionnaire on the impact of lymphedema of the genital tract in women.
Dear participant,
Allow us to thank you very much for your availability and the rigor that you will bring to complete this questionnaire.
The latter is part of a body of work aimed at better understanding the impacts of lymphedema of the external genitalia.
These studies are conducted by the Lymphology and Rehabilitation Research Unit of the Free University of Brussels under the responsibility of Professor JP Belgrado and J. Foucart and Miss E. Depraeter, scientific collaborator.
Take the time to read a question carefully before answering it. You can interrupt the compilation of the questionnaire at any time, by clicking at the top right on: "finish later" and ... continue later by returning to the internet link sent to you.
The questionnaire is strictly anonymous, it covers various symptoms in which you may recognize yourself. If the symptom does not apply to you, we will simply ask you to tick the option “none of the answers offered”.
Your participation is very valuable to advance knowledge and thus contribute to the improvement of treatments.
We thank you for your participative help and we remain at your disposal for any further information.
There are 45 questions in this survey.